The name is Jordan

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I'm useless. I know.
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Greetings to all the users of Off Topicz!

In case you have not noticed from the thread title, the name is Jordan. I regretfully have to inform you that the old owner of the site decided he could no longer run the site due to some personal reasons and a new job. However, there is nothing to worry about. I have completely bought the site, and the site is being taken over by an experienced forum owner which I believe can help turn the forum around and get it back up to its prime.

I understand recently you you have already had an ownership change. These things normally do not go very smoothly, and sometimes forums are not accepting of the new owner. So with that said, I just want to give myself a brief moment to introduce my self to the community.

A little about myself:
So, I go by Jordan Howard. I currently live in Ontario, Canada. I'm a proud Canadian and I like to think it is one of my best attributes :D I am a 19 year old male who has been doing web development for over 10 years. Yes, that would mean I started when I was 7 or 8! It started as my hobby, but now I am gratefully able to say it is my career. I have been known in the webmaster community to do several start ups, or help others invest in their new creative ideas. I do own and manage a network which I will gladly show off once the new system and website is up.
I also currently own a webmaster forum, and it has been running for about 2 years. I love what I do, I love being on forums, and I hope I can bring this forum back to its prime. I realize there will be a lot for me to do however, I hope I can get to meet all the current active users and staff and get to know each other a little better.

If you have any questions please do ask away! I don't bite ;)
I also would love to hear your suggestions on what you think we can do to the forum to help improve it. I already see a member was complaining about the arcade script that was running on the site, so I took the liberty to install a built in arcade that will track users high scores etc. However at the moment, not a lot of games on it. I will hopefully update the game list daily.

Anyhow, again if you have any questions please don't hesitate! I am a welcoming friendly person and I invite everyone ask me things they may want to know.

Best of wishes,
Jordan Howard.
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I'm useless. I know.
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welcome to our forum

Hope you stay longer than the last guy
Oh I don't plan on going anywhere. I actually had people offer me double then what i payed for the site and I still rejected. Not looking to just profit off the site. I'm looking to see it grow!

I'm here for the long run!

griz bear

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Oh I don't plan on going anywhere. I actually had people offer me double then what i payed for the site and I still rejected. Not looking to just profit off the site. I'm looking to see it grow!

I'm here for the long run!
Yeah, it's nice , but the last guy said the same thing on day one.

Hope to see you here in 5 years. We have a few really good members, that have been with this site for sometime. There is a dark past which surfaces everything someone from the past shows up to yell at us.


I'm useless. I know.
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Yeah, it's nice , but the last guy said the same thing on day one.

Hope to see you here in 5 years. We have a few really good members, that have been with this site for sometime. There is a dark past which surfaces everything someone from the past shows up to yell at us.
Then I will be here to prove to you otherwise that I will stay. Once my network site is done, you will see how dedicated I can be ;)


I'm useless. I know.
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so Is Manny still around ?
I'm not sure. He is still an admin as of now. If he will be back around I will have to ask him.


I tried to look at the Arcade, but it says Error, and I can't see anything.
This may be because I did not set up permissions... Opps. What error was it you got? Does it work now?